Kinship Philanthropy
Generosity rooted in the connection of all life.
Treat yourself
Return money in a nourishing stream of life for yourself, the living Earth and generations to come.
Discover your own role as an important part of the collective of all life.
Reorient your ancestral legacy toward a new mandate on Earth, suited for the times we are in.
Our power is greatest when we recognize and harness our connection with all life.
Awaken Kinship
Have you been seeking meaningful avenues for your giving? This seeking is part of a journey that we are all on today - one needed for all life to thrive and flourish. You have much life energy to offer into the world and money represents just some of it.
Chief Strategist Suzanne Bowles has seen the rise and fall of several fad philanthropy trends and half-baked efforts. She will help you identify meaningful, sustained giving toward the collective of all life, including your own.
Co-create a personal kinship plan
Due diligence to ensure your giving will cause no harm and amplify life
Mapping and navigating the kinship network together
Design philanthropy systems that liberate life and aliveness
Awaken Ancestral Kinship
All families have a culture of their own and expectations about money and wealth can be areas of challenge and growth when approaching family philanthropy.
Whether we discuss the birth or chosen family, key questions emerge: What came before and what comes next? What is being held that needs to be released from the family lineage?
Suzanne draws from the established power of ritual and art, working with spiritual and cultural guides to create individual and group sessions to overcome your blocks and unleash your group potential.
We explore a range of frameworks and approaches taken by other families, from the highly participatory and collaborative, to the clearly defined interactive.
Remember, celebrate and heal your rootedness in the web of life.
Ceremonies praise to the ancestors, offering, healing ancient wounds, honoring and ritual
Approaches to unvei the deeply held and embodies notions of value and safety that define family identity
Each session involves introduction to the ancestral healing pathway tool and group and individual activities to complete it.
This tool informs other generosity planning tools to be developed.
“Outrage can save one or two girls. Empathy can change the System.”
— Melinda Gates, The Moment of Lift